Tuesday, May 31, 2016

BioAid Hearing Aids

The Biologically Inspired Hearing Aid

    The core of the BioAid project is a novel hearing aid algorithm based on our knowledge of the biological processes that occur in the ear.

    NEWS FLASH: August 21st, 2013 – NEWAPP RELEASED

    Now available on the App Store, Aud1 is a new assistive listening app that implements the features requested by the BioAid user community. These features include, but are not limited to . .
    • Dual algorithm technology, allowing settings for each ear to be adjusted independently.
    • Advanced connectivity options, allowing use of high quality audio peripherals to improve sound quality.
    • Stereo linkage technology to preserve spatial cues when the app is used with stereo input hardware.
    • Fine grain control over the dynamic range of the processed sound.
    • High optimization for extremely low processing delay.
    • Automatic storage of preferred settings, even if the device runs out of power.
    • Adjustable input and output gain controls to fully utilize the dynamic range of the device.
    • Detection of accidental removal of headphones, preventing annoying feedback in public places.
    Aud1 pushes the boundaries of assistive listening technology on mobile platforms and it is available for download now. 
    A free implementation of the BioAid algorithm can be downloaded on the app store. The app turns your iOS device into a hearing aid by processing sound from the microphone, then delivering the processed sound over headphones in real time. Care has been taken to make the user interface to the BioAid app very simple. However, please read the information on this site to get the best possible user experience.
    The algorithm source code is freely available. This allows others to contribute by creating and evaluating their own implementations of the hearing aid.
    Thank you for your interest in the BioAid project.

    Monday, May 30, 2016

    The Laryngospasms: Waking Up Is Hard To Do!


    The group can be traced back to a 1990 Christmas party for students of the Minneapolis School of Anesthesia. A few of the then-students were singing various songs, one of them being Neil Sedaka's Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. When a senior student suggested that the song be sung as "Waking Up Is Hard To Do", the group was formed. The group's first performance was for the graduation ceremonies of the 1991 class of the Minneapolis School of Anesthesia. This first performance was witnessed by several officers of the Minnesota Association of Nurse Anesthetists. These officers approached the group and ask them to perform at the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists' National Conference, to be held inNashville, Tennessee, late in the summer of 1991. This was the group's first national performance.

    Seven Reasons to attend our Acoustic Neuroma San Diego Support Group:

    1) Find out you're not crazy: In many cases, your physician may never have heard of the symptoms you're complaining about. Frequently, the surgery team does little follow-up with their patients. You will be passed on to your regular physician, somebody that knows little about AN's. For example, my physician asked me recently about my AN and I told him SSD was a huge problem. We were sitting knees to knees in a small examination room and my physician has a huge voice. He asked, "Can you hear me?" I replied that I could and he told me I had nothing to worry about. 

    2) Reassure others that you're not crazy: If we don't have facial paralysis, most of us have a silent illness - one that doesn't show or display anything to the outside world. All of our
    boo-boo's are inside. If you have relatives or friends who are "doubtful" about your suffering, bring them along to a meeting. There you'll find others who....

    • Say "what?" a million times a day
    • Are exhausted at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
    • Complain about balloon head, or wonky head
    • Walk into door jambs
    • Stagger around parking lots
    • Choose restaurants, not on service nor on the food, but on the ACOUSTICS!
    3) Your caregiver(s) get a chance to talk to each other. They play "second banana" all
    the time to you and your illness, but they are critically important. While we all appreciate
    them, who have they got to vent to? At meetings, they can converse with an understanding ear.

    4) Information about physicians, treatments, audiologists etc. is often shared.

    5) You can find others in a particular sub-group of people...i.e. young people under
    30; people with BAHA implants; people over 70; musicians. We have one small
    group who all had surgery around the same time and meet for lunches and compare notes
    on their progress.

    6) People share tips about hearing devices; coping in stores, seating in restaurants,
    dealing with people who think you're drunk; explaining your illness to children etc.,

    7) You can help others! Giving away what you've got that's helpful is very therapeutic. If
    you want to help with the group, let me know. You can open and fold chairs, hand out
    nametags, help with the sign-in sheet. If you have ideas about speakers, or locations for
    meetings, or for general improvements, let us know.

    Next Meeting: Saturday, June 11th. 1:00 - 4:00 Mission Valley Library, San Diego.
    RSVP: Helen McHargue at Foodsmarts@gmail.com or 760-728-0309